
Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions and answers for you to ponder and discover

What is your new client procedure at Valley Psych?

We require our clients to make an appointment booking either through email or phone contact. We might also request additional relevant information for assessment purposes before scheduling an appointment with the appropriate therapist. Walk-ins are not allowed as the scheduling for the rest of the day has been established. 

How many clients do you serve at Valley Psych?

The number of clients seen on a day-to-day basis depends on the scheduling and availability of our staff. Depending on the psychologist or psychiatrist assigned to clients, different scheduling days and times will be made available for booking.

Is Valley Psych currently hiring anyone at the moment?

Valley Psych is an established clinic, but we are still relatively small and are open to expanding our roster of trained psychologists and psychiatrists. Regarding internships, we are currently only open to recruiting individuals pursuing masters in clinical psychology to provide hands-on training necessary in their progression.

Are there any policies in place that clients should be aware of?

Cancellation of appointment booking must be made 24 hours before the acknowledged schedule. Cancellation of appointment within the aforementioned period will impose a penalty (rate of canceled session) to accommodate the reserved slot's cancellation.



We are situated at 9, Jalan Riong, Bangsar in Kuala Lumpur. You can contact us either on +60169853039 or valleypsychological@gmail.com


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